Tuesday 28 February 2012

Funded PhD Studentship, 2012-­2015

Queen’s University Belfast

This project will be jointly supervised across two schools, employing the disciplinary methods of history and geography.  The PhD student will examine the specific case study of Norwich, a town with rich archives across 1300-1800 and a relatively unchanging urban fabric.  Four or five specific years (spanning this longer period) will be explored in depth as the basis for a comparison of major themes.   These include the crowd’s
use of urban space for protest, expressions of authority and ritual.  Historical sources, such as records of regulation, enforcement and dispute, will be investigation in conjunction with a mapping of the changing

urban space and spatial theory.  This case study will help us to understand more fully the factors that underpin urban identity and those that spark conflict.  Deadline
7th March 2012.
Fuller details are housed in WebCT (PG Student Newsletter/Scholarships - Funding - Awards).
All  scholarships, awards or funding opportunities advertised in this newsletter are housed in an archive in WebCT (PG Student Newsletter/Scholarships - Funding - Awards). 
‘A Crowded Urban Space: Conflict and Identity in an English Town,1300-1800’
Supervisors: Dr James Davis (History) & Dr Carl Griffin (Geography)

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